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Re: Amount of space for /var/spool/fax?

On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 12:02:01PM -0400, Patrick Gardella wrote:
> I'm configuring a HylaFAX server for a small office using whfc.  There
> won't be huge amounts of faxing going on, but I need to ask the
> question. 
> How much room should I devote to /var so I don't run out of space?
> All my other installations I've reworked the Makefiles to install it in
> /usr instead so I didn't have any problems (6 gigs of space), but those
> were for massive faxing (2000 a day).
> >From your experiences, what is a good amount of space?  50Megs?  300?
> Default on FreeBSD (the OS for this system) is 30Megs.

This depends almost entirely, I think, on whether your outgoing faxes
will include lots of bitmap images.  And the amount of traffic likely
to be queued to send at any one time. 

Frankly, for half a dozen manual senders, I'd be surprised if you
needed more than 50 to 100 meg, if that.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
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