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Automatic routing of incoming fax
I�m interested in finding out if there is a way for automatic routing of
incoming faxes. I know that this IS possible based on the TSI of the
sender. The problem with this solution is, that you can deliver an
incoming fax automatically only iff exactly one recipient gets a fax
from this sender, simply because the routing is done on the senders
adress which is the same for all recipients.
A better solution (if possible) would be to route incoming faxes based
on the number the sender has dialed to reach the recipient. So you could
give each person interested in reveiving faxes a uniqe faxnumber the
sender has to dial in order to reach him. Of course all those numbers
would be mapped to the same physical modems actually receiving the fax.
This can usually be done by the telefone installation by assigning one
physical phone (or modem) several numbers.
Now, if you receive a fax, and if you can get the number the sender has
dialed, you can route this fax without problems since each recipient has
his own number and the routing is not based on the senders adress.
The only problem is: Is it possible to get the number, the sender has
dialed. Is this information perhaps stored somewhere in the faxfile or
is it simply unavailable ?
Rainer Krienke
Rainer Krienke krienke@informatik.uni-koblenz.de
Universitaet Koblenz, http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke
Rechenzentrum, Voice: +49 261 287 -1312
Rheinau 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany Fax: +49 261 9119-495