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sendfax - again


Sorry for bothering again and thanks for the help that have come in so
far. I'm still not able to send postscript files. I attach the
typerules file as well as the sendfax verbose output (which looks some
sort of strange to me since I don't understand the matching process).

I've inserted a 'TypeRules:' tagline into my hyla.conf file (which is
said to be read by sendfax - in the man pages).

Any clues? Thanks, norbert.

A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing!  (Jessamyn West)
Dr Norbert Koch                   |  
Delta Industrie Informatik GmbH   |  phone:  +49.711.57.151.37
Schaflandstrasse 2                |  fax:    +49.711.57.151.65
D-70736 Fellbach                  |  email:  norbert.koch@delta-ii.de
# /usr/local/lib/fax/typerules
#offset datatype        match           result  rule
0       string          %!              ps
0       short           0x4d4d          tiff
0       short           0x4949          tiff
0       short           000732          tiff    %F/sgi2fax -%f -o %o -v %V\
                                                  -s %s %i
0       short           017436          error   packed data
0       short           017635          error   compressed data
0       short           0x0605          ps      showcase -p -f %i
0       short           0x4353          ps      showcase -p -f %i
0       short           0x02f7          ps      dvips -q -o %o %i
0       string          GIF             ps
>3      string          87a             ps      giftoppm <%i | ppmtopgm | pnmto
>3      string          89a             ps      giftoppm <%i | ppmtopgm | pnmto
0       long            0xa659956a      tiff    ras2tiff %i %o
0       string          x T psc         ps      psdit <%i >%o
0       string          begin           error   uuencoded file
0       string          xbtoa           error   btoa'd file
0       string          P1              ps      pbmtoascii <%i | textfmt >%o
0       string          P2              ps      pnmtops <%i >%o
0       string          P3              ps      ppmtopgm <%i | pnmtops >%o
0       string          P4              error   PBM "rawbits" file
0       string          P5              ps      pnmtops <%i >%o
0       string          P6              ps      ppmtopgm <%i | pnmtops >%o
0       string          /*\ XPM         ps      xpmtoppm <%i | ppmtopgm | pnmto
0       short           0xd8ff          ps
>6      string          JFIF            ps      djpeg -grayscale <%i | pnmtops
0       short           0x4d42          error   BMP-File
0       string          WNGZWZSS        error   Wingz spreadsheet
0       string          #Inventor V     error   IRIS Inventor file
>15     string          binary          error   binary IRIS Inventor file
>15     string          ascii           ps      %F/textfmt >%o <%i
0       ascii           x               ps	%F/textfmt >%o <%i% sendfax -d <any number> -n -v faxcover.ps 

match against (..., 512)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x4d4d -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x4949 -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x1da -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x1f1e -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x1f9d -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x605 -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x4353 -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x2f7 -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 long = 0x7fffffff -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0xd8ff -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x4d42 -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 ascii = -- success (result tiff, rule "%F/textfmt >%o <%i")
CONVERT "/usr/local/sbin/textfmt >/tmp//faxsnda26146 <faxcover.ps"
/tmp//faxsnda26146: Not a TIFF file, bad magic number 8485 (0x2125).

% sendfax -d <any number> -n -v /etc/hosts

match against (..., 512)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x4d4d -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x4949 -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x1da -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x1f1e -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x1f9d -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x605 -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x4353 -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x2f7 -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 long = 0x7fffffff -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0xd8ff -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 short = 0x4d42 -- failed (comparison)
rule: offset 0 ascii = -- success (result tiff, rule "%F/textfmt >%o <%i")
CONVERT "/usr/local/sbin/textfmt >/tmp//faxsnda26183 </etc/hosts"
/tmp//faxsnda26183: Not a TIFF file, bad magic number 8485 (0x2125).

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